


河南省 安阳市
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发布于 2015年11月19日



    1.色斑、颜色不均匀、变色 原因:树脂中颜料混合不均匀,颜料分解耐温性不好。措施:加强搅拌,使树脂胶液混合均匀,更换颜料及类型
    2.污染、异物混入 原因:树脂胶液中混入异物,玻璃毡表面被污染,进入玻璃钢拉挤模具时夹带进了异。措施:细心检查防止成型中异物的混入,更换被污染的原材料
    3.表面粗糙无光泽 原因:表面粗糙值高,脱模剂效果不好,制品表面树脂含量过低,成型时模腔内压力不足。措施:选用表面粗糙度值低的模具,选用好的脱模剂,采用表面毡或将连续毡、针织毡通过浸胶槽,增加纱含量或添加填料。
   4.表面凹痕 原因:缺纱或局部纱量过少,玻璃钢拉挤模具黏附造成碎片堆积,划伤制品表面。措施:增加纱量,清理模具,短暂停机后再重新启动,选用好的脱模剂。
   5.玻璃毡包敷不全 原因:玻璃毡宽度过窄,毡的定位装置不精确造成成型中毡的偏移。措施:设计毡宽时应考虑一定搭接长度,在毡进入玻璃钢拉挤模具前预成型模具上一定要有比教精确的导毡缝,在玻璃钢拉挤模具入口处必要时加限位卡。 ;
   6.表面皱痕 原因:玻璃表面毡太硬,入模时打折,聚酯表面毡或无纺布太软,入模时有一定斜度,拉挤曲面制品时在牵引力作用下发生聚集起皱。措施:选用较软的玻璃表面毡,用聚酯表面毡或无纺布时应精心操作,必要时在玻璃钢拉挤模具口设卡具精确定位。
    7.表面液滴 原因:制品固化不完全,纤维含量少,收缩大,制品表面与模壁产生较大空隙,未固化树脂发生迁移。措施:提高温度或降低拉速,使其充分固化,这对厚壁制品来说尤其重要,增加纱含量或添加低收缩剂,填料。
    8.表面起皮、破碎 原因:表面富树脂层过厚,在脱离点产生爬行蠕动,凝胶时间与固化时间的差值过大,脱离点太超前于固化点。措施:增加纱含量以增大模内压力,调整引发系统,调整温度。
   9.白粉 原因:脱模效果差,模具内壁粘模,碎片堆积划伤制品表面,模具内壁表面粗糙度值太高(制造原因或使用时划伤、锈蚀。措施:选用好的脱模剂,清理,修复或更换合格的玻璃钢拉挤模具,停机片刻在重新启动,拉出粘模出的碎片,达到清理的目的。
   10.分型线明显,分型线处磨损 原因:玻璃钢拉挤模具制造尺寸精确度不够,在合模时各模块定位偏差大,分型线有粘模情况造成白线。措施:修复玻璃钢拉挤模具,拆开模具重新组装,停机片刻再重新启动。
  11.表面纤维外露,纤维起毛 原因:此缺陷一般在只用纤维纱增强的制品如棒材上出现,可能的原因是纤维含量太高或模腔内壁粘有树脂碎屑。措施:降低纤维含量,暂停机后在重新开机。
  12.不耐老化,易褪色 原因:没有添加光稳定剂和热稳定剂,颜料耐光性差。措施:添加抗老化剂,选用优质色糊。 ;
  13.绝缘性差 原因:树脂、纤维的绝缘性较差,界面黏结性能较差。措施:改进原材料的选择,使用偶联剂以增强界面性能。
  14.强度不够、力学性能差 原因:原材料的力学性能指标较低,固化度不够。措施:选用优质原材料,如高强纤维,高强树脂,合理控制工艺参数以保证固化度,进行后固化处理。
  15.密集气孔 原因:原材料质量较差,温度控制不合理。措施:选用好的愿材料,控制温度不能太高。
Hunan new glass steel mold supplier with you to share the mold defects and solutions, Huaxian province Henan day industrial fine mold dedicated to engage in the production of glass fiber reinforced plastic mold. Our company in the machinery and equipment in the industry after decades of wind and rain, has a pivotal position and role. On the research of the mold has its own special research and development team and the rich experience for many years. Has been committed to standing in the customer's point of view for customers to make quality assured, with the product of peace of mind. The general manager is Kang Thigpen has 15 years of experience in the production of pultrusion mould industry recognized experts. Experience, pay attention to detail. The spread of good reputation among customers. Welcome everyone to visit our factory or contact us. Defect analysis and solving measures of glass fiber reinforced plastic extrusion die:
1 splash, color is not uniform, the reason for the color: the resin in the mixed uneven pigment, pigment decomposition resistance is not good. Measures: to strengthen the mixing, so that the resin glue mixture evenly, replace the pigment and type
2 pollution, foreign body into the reason: resin adhesive liquid mixed with foreign body, glass felt surface is contaminated, into the glass steel pulling the mold when the difference. Measures: careful examination to prevent the formation of foreign bodies in the mixing, replacement of contaminated raw materials
3 the surface roughness of the reasons: the surface roughness is high, the release agent is not good, the product surface resin content is too low, the mold cavity pressure. Measures: the selection of the low surface roughness of the mold, the use of a good release agent, the use of surface felt or will be continuous felt, knitted mat through dip rubber, increase yarn content or add filler.
4. Dimpled surface reasons: lack of local yarn or yarn quantity is little, FRP pultrusion die adhesion resulting in the accumulation of debris, scratch product surface. Measures: increase the amount of yarn, clean the mold, after a brief stop to restart, the use of good release agent.
5 reasons: not enough lattice glass glass mat width is too narrow, the positioning device caused by inaccurate mat offset molding mat. Measures: the design of the blanket should be considered when a certain length of lap, felt in the glass fiber reinforced plastic extrusion die before the pre molding tool must be more accurate than the guide felt, at the entrance of the glass fiber reinforced plastic. ;
6. Surface wrinkles reasons: glass surface felt too hard, into the mold at a discount, polyester carpet surface or non-woven soft into the mould when slope, pultrusion surfaces of products under the traction force occurred wrinkling aggregation. Measures: choose a soft glass surface mat, polyester carpet surface or non-woven fabrics should careful operation, necessary in the glass steel pull extrusion mould mouth design fixture for precise positioning.
7 the reasons for the surface drop: the product is not completely cured, the fiber content is little, the shrinkage is big, the product surface and the mold wall has a large gap. Measures: to increase the temperature or reduce the speed, so that it is fully cured, which is particularly important for the thick wall products, increase the yarn content or add a low shrinkage agent, filler.
8 the surface of the skin, broken reasons: the surface of the rich resin layer is too thick, in the detachment point to produce crawling, gel time and curing time difference is too large, out of the point is too far ahead of curing point. Measures: increase the yarn content in order to increase the internal pressure, adjust the trigger system, adjust the temperature.
9 reasons for the white powder: the effect of mold release is poor, the mold wall mold, debris piled up on the surface of the product, mold inner surface roughness value is too high (manufacturing reasons or use the scratch, corrosion. Measures: choose a good release agent, cleaning, repair or replacement of qualified glass fiber reinforced plastic pull die, stop a moment in the re start, pull out the mold piece, to clean up the purpose.
10. Parting line, parting line wear reason: FRP pultrusion die manufacturing size accuracy is insufficient, the clamping module positioning deviation, type line Nien caused by white lines. Measures: repair glass steel pull extrusion die, open the mold assembly, stop a moment and then restart.
11. The surface of the fiber is exposed, fiber pilling reason: the defects generally in only fiber yarn reinforced products such as bars, the possible reason is fiber content is too high or the cavity wall stick resin debris. Measures: reduce the fiber content, after the suspension in the re start.
12 no aging resistance, easy to fade: not add light stabilizer and heat stabilizer, poor colour fastness to light. Measures: adding anti - aging agent, selection of high quality color paste. ;
13 the reason of poor insulation: resin, fiber insulation is poor, poor interface bonding performance. Measures: improving the selection of raw materials, using coupling agent to enhance the interface performance.
14 strength is not enough, the mechanical properties of the reason: the mechanical properties of the raw materials is low, curing degree is not enough. Measures: the selection of high quality raw materials, such as high-strength fiber, high strength resin, reasonable control process parameters to ensure the degree of curing, curing process.
15 dense gas hole reason: raw material quality is poor, the temperature control is unreasonable. Measures: choose a good material, control the temperature can not be too high.