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发布于 2013年03月22日

检查员应该带上自己的最好的验收记录竣工验收备案表的每个组件都记录在案,不妨拿铅笔工具,如家里检查房子的争端中与开发商,7月3日下午1点左右,37贴有社区业主驱动& # 8220;权利& # 8221;口号汽车国际贸易桥,在桥上滞留约一小时。和另一个区域150年6月30日近业主集体拒绝接受这个房间。无论什么问题应该注意当一个业主、监理的律师和专家采访的记者这样做。视图的国有土地使用证有任何记录的抵押孟Xiansheng德润,根据北京律师事务所律师,房主如果接受这两个方面,一个是接受文件,二是验收的建筑质量。为了防止开发商期间的建设将是这个房子的主人,抵押,业主在验收的房屋质量文件,首先需要检查是否有抵押贷款的“国有土地使用权证》,然后开始接受项目质量文件,目前,主要包括《住宅质量保证书》和《住宅使用说明书》、《竣工验收备案表”(俗称& # 8220;两书一表& # 8221;)。根据他的经验,目前建立的过程中,更多的问题主要是通过竣工验收备案表。应当按照有关规定,表上的竣工验收备案的每个项目必须报主管部门备案,因此,业主在家检查不能只是看有没有竣工验收备案表”,但仔细检查是否在这个范围内购买房产,以及表中每个项目的情况。业主最好准备一个详细的检验记录清单验收后的有关文件,业主现场检查房间即将开始,因为许多业主都是首次置业,建筑检查是一个非常专业的工作,因此,许多业主不知道去哪里检查。为此,记者采访了北京百万家庭徐国众,监理公司的负责人。徐说,开发人员可以提供国众“建设验收形式”项目列表是不够细致,一旦接受,可能不够,建议业主自己带回家检查记录单第一,以备不时之需。他强调,在自己家里的主人检验记录单,应尽可能详细的需求需要意识到,以防丢失。据他介绍,在这个过程中,考场,是否应该首先专注于建筑结构问题,如承重墙有贯穿性裂缝等;然后问题细节的住房的使用,如门窗是直的。此外,买家在考场,不妨拿铅笔,尺子,小木槌,如工具,为了测试。Notice about the free test room closed room: tell the owner some simple since the test a new approach: in order to more effectively implement the ministry of construction and Beijing is built appoint about spirit, to improve the quality of civil houses to crack down on illegal real estate development, the construction unit; Protect the legitimate rights and interests of the buyers; Beijing million homes supervision company since June 1, 2004, 10 professional supervision engineer, to carry out the & # 8220; Free charge room inspection room & # 8221; Activities, that buyers are in the Beijing area can be applied to the large-scale public welfare activities; In conditions as follows: 1, the organization should be a week in advance to millions of homes supervision company face to face or phone to make an appointment to apply for; 2, participants should be in more than 20 (in order to reduce the cost); 3, organization should be his own mobile phone, office phone, home phone to my company, in order to link; 4, the organization shall elaborate on the acceptance of the residential address, the structure of the building standards (such as multi-layer, high-rise towers, plate floor, apartment, villa, etc.) in order to refer to relevant standards; 5, organizational man closely, and try to arrange time agreed upon acceptance of the start-stop time, conditional at the invitation of the supervision of personnel to be present to inspect in advance; 6, time arrangement as far as possible on Monday to Friday, Saturday day's free acceptance of the owner number should be in more than 50 people; 7, this activity for pure public welfare activities, are not allowed to charge to anyone in any way; 8, millions of homes free of charge, head of the room inspection room Dong Jiansheng: tel: ***, notice is hereby given that: thank you very much for the moderator and organize human owners pay of hard work! 这里我们简单地告诉店主一些自检查方法的新房:回家检查程序:一本书一个表、视图二:保修、使用说明书、竣工验收备案表;面积实测数据区购房合同。2,没有工资,没有签名,一个前室:发现问题不能支付更多,在签名。应该放置的房间,取证,奠定了未来证明同时,特殊的拯救BeiAnChan回家检查问题。验证在住房总面积超过百分之三或更少的是广泛的,在套面积缩小、公摊面积增加更多。三、家庭状况良好。当业主公约、前期物业管理合同,条款,不要放弃自己的权利。