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The manufacturer china recommended international trade: geothermal buying tips

发布于 2014年10月28日

[摘要]GMC is a well-known China manufacturers,China manufacturer,manufacturer china,B2B China,made in china,china product,China Products services such as Chinese products
Because of the particularity of geothermal heating, the floor very strict requirements, therefore, in addition to meet the geothermal floor in routine quality index at the same time, also meet the following four requirements:

1, heat conduction and radiation is better. Wood and bamboo are very good natural material, surface heat transfer to the surface through the floor, there must be heat loss, the ideal can turn the floor to minimize losses. So in order to reduce heat loss and reduce the heating operation and maintenance costs, the ground floor heating inevitable "thick thin election". Bamboo flooring and laminate flooring, to choose the multi-layer solid wood, plate thickness of not more than 8 mm, the maximum not exceeding 10 mm.

2, the dimension stability is better. Geothermal floor use environment is complex, especially in the northern region, non heating season the ground to withstand a variety of moisture, and the heating temperature and the ground warms up abruptly, wood floor will bear the "temperature", "humidity" double variation. So the geothermal floor to choose good stability, such as strengthening the floor, multi-layer solid wood flooring, bamboo flooring integration of these composite floor.

3, damp heat resistance is better. Integrated composite floor to use adhesive, the adhesive must conform to the environmental protection, bonding strength, resistance to high temperature and high humidity aging of the three indicators. Especially for geothermal floor, must pass through the high humidity, low temperature experiment, if we use ordinary adhesive, environmental protection index, moisture resistance, aging resistance, expansion rate are not standard. Consumers in the purchase, see business products report, test report is very necessary.

Wear resistance to endure. Because geothermal floor are advised to thin thick, so the composite surface layer to 0.3-0.6 mm for more general. The main surface paint abrasion value than traditional indicators of high.

The three elements of geothermal solid wood floor of choose and buy.

GMC is a well-known ,,,B2B China,made in china,china product,China Products services such as Chinese products