


辽宁省 沈阳市
联 系 人:


发布于 2013年11月18日

[摘要]冯实是南开大学学士,爱丁堡大学硕士。 一直致力于雅思教育,尤其是在短时间内帮助考生提高分数上卓有建树。 Tel:*** *** 微博:冯实雅思



    a science subject 一个理科学科

  a person in the history / a historical figure 历史人物

  a sports event 运动

  a place near water 近水的地方

  a stranger who helped you 帮助你的陌生人

  an advertisement 广告

  something that helps you learn another language 帮助学习第二种语言的东西

  a foreign city 外国城市

  an occasion when someone taught you a useful skill 别人教你的一个有用的技巧

  an outdoor activity 户外活动

  something you can not live without (except computers

  and cell phones)生活不可缺少的东西(电脑手机除外)

  recently bought home equipment 最近新买的家用设备

  a film or TV program that made you laugh好笑的电影/电视节目

  a book recommended by others 书

  a person you would like to spend time with共度时光的人

  a decision 一个决定 / a work of art 艺术品

  a piece of clothes for formal occasion 衣服

  a place where you listen to music 听音乐的地方

  a rule at school you agree or disagree with 校规

  something you do to keep fit 保持健康的方式

  a trip by public transport 一次乘公共交通的旅行

  an outdoor picnic or meal 户外的野餐

  something that made you happy 高兴的事

  a job you would like to do in the future 未来想做的工作

  a seaside travel 海边的旅行

  a place where you go shopping 购物的地方

  a place for study or work 工作或学习的地方

  an old person you admire 敬佩的老人

  a person who visited your home 到你家做客的人

  a country you would like to travel 你想去的国家

  a childhood story 儿时听到的故事

  a radio program 电台节目

  a school subject you disliked 你不喜欢的科目

  a plan 计划 / a family business 家族生意

  a competition 比赛 / a famous person 名人

  you favourite season 季节

  an interesting person 有趣的人/ a party 派对 /

  a move to a new school or home 搬家或搬学校

  a television program you like 你喜欢的电视节目

  a team , a group , or a club 团队,小组, 俱乐部

  an important letter 重要的信/a photo 照片

  a house or an apartment 别墅与公寓

  an electronic equipment 电子设备

  a toy 玩具 /

  a website 网站

  a film or a book about the future

  an important message your received 重要的信息

  a good parent 好父母/

  a café 咖啡馆/小餐馆 (可能已淘汰)

  an advertisement 广告

  a special meal 特殊的一顿饭

  a crowded place 拥挤的地方 (可能已淘汰)

  an occasion when you were late 迟到的场合 (可能已淘汰)

  an occasion when you help someone else 助人

  a plant 植物 (可能已淘汰)

  a historical event 历史事件